The answer is - 'Definitely'. Attraction is more scientific than most would have you believe.
time a Brand has a human interface, it arouses deep-rooted physical,
psychological, sociological and cultural reactions in the person,
exerted as a ‘force of attraction’ by the Brand. This intrinsic capacity of a
Brand to arouse the audiences’ interest and create a magnetic pull towards
itself is Brand Attractiveness, also called Brand Appeal. Appeal (appropriately
derived from the French word adpellere, meaning ‘to drive’) may be
described as the inherent force of attractiveness of the Brand that
interests, pleases or stimulates, and it is this force that
makes a Brand desirable (or not).
plays a dual role in building Brand Attractiveness. First, it embellishes the
inherent force of attraction of the Brand, and secondly, it helps transport
this inherent appeal to audiences who have never directly experienced the
Brand. Good communication is the telescope which brings Brands up-close
and personal, enhancing attributes to make them more noticeable. It is also the
microscope that helps bring out the internal intricacies that may need
deep delving to be experienced. Nevertheless, for this appeal to work, the force
of attraction has to be natural and intrinsic to the Brand.
The Brand Attractiveness Model has four pillars on which it is founded, namely Rational Appeal, Emotional Appeal, Communication Appeal and Aspirational Appeal.
(Adapted from the book 'Decoding Communication')