must have a profound impact on survival for it to be as abundant as sight in
humans and animals. It is an innate function present at birth and many of the
neonatal responses that are hardwired into the brain manifest as instinct.
Humans, animals and even some plant species communicate with each other.
most basic communication in all animals remains instinctual and reactive, i.e.
in response to food, danger and sexual stimuli. The more evolved the
communication used, the more efficiently information gets transmitted, resulting
in a better outcome. For example, in the case of food, evolved communication
can give an idea of the direction, taste and source; when representing danger,
a sophisticated language can indicate the degree, type of danger, or methods to
overcome it. And when it comes to
symbolizing sexual stimuli - well, let me just leave that part to your
communication is unique; it is not just biologically inherited but is also
learnt. Other animal species communicate mainly through behavior, ritualized
calls and gestures, whereas humans possess highly evolved linguistic systems
that can express an infinite variety of diverse thoughts and intricate ideas. The
human language system, with advanced semantics and syntax, has the ability to
communicate myriad concepts with precise detail. Little wonder that this evolutionary
leap distinguishes us from every other organism on earth.
four-sided argument about the development of language in humans remains
indeterminate. It may have developed as a normal byproduct of a well developed brain
(called Spandrel), or on account of natural genetic selection (as an Adaptation),
or because of the idea information system pressures (known as Memes), or
due to the neurons in humans that facilitates imitation (Mirror Neurons). A few other interesting ideas also give
stimulus to new theories; like a suggestion that language developed as a 'social
technology' to eliminate visual
the same time, language, the basis of communication, is also at the center of
conflict and confusion by mere virtue of multiplicity. The 7000 or more human
languages seem to have their origin in God’s ploy against humanity. The Book of
Genesis speaks of how God tricks a united, single-language human race (who had
resolved to build the heaven-touching ‘Tower of Babel’), by confounding them
with the ‘confusion of the tongues’ - languages.